Madden Area Attractions & Business’s
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My name is George Conroy and I moved to Madden in May 2023 (a place almost everyone has heard of wonderfully) to develop Madden Ice Cream on the old Dodds Store property.

I love living here and I want to reach out to my peers to see if we can work together a little to build up each others businesses.

I have a business degree and a Marketing company and marketing background and I have developed businesses my whole life. I love this area, its beautiful and full of lots of interesting businesses, I am learning. I also teach hockey if you review this website, you will have an excellent insight into my character and personality.
Despite my efforts this year Madden Ice Cream will open May 4, 2024.

I expect to have allot of visitors to my Store and Backyard (increasing every month and year with my planned marketing program) and I think this creates an opportunity for all of us.

I want us all to Cross Market each other and to this end I have created this document that I am hoping you will read.

Here is what I am thinking

  1. At my Store I will post up a Map of the MAAB Area when I rebuild the old Bulletin Board that was out front of the Store for decades, this map will be large 4 ft wide x 3 ft high (I will have a Map version created soon) and on it will be all businesses that participate in MAAB.
    1. I will need a copy of your logo to integrate into the map if you wish to participate.
    2. I will need 1 picture of your business for the website.
    3. I will need an add for your business for a rotating banner.
    4. All MAAB members will host the same map in a visible location this will create recognition and consistency. I am planning to have it placed on my front door.  I also have a bulleting board there.
  2. I will have a visible location in my store to host your pamphlets/business cards etc. for all visitors to peruse (think Visitors Centre),
    1. All MAAB members will do the same for all MAAB members except if there is another MAAB member in an identical business. There is no need to promote a competitor.
    2. IF you know of another area business that wants to participate please let me know or have them contact me.
  3. I will create and host a website featuring the map created above and more, I have purchased the domain already. The map will be interactive Map that links to your website.
    1. The website will also have an upcoming events page featuring all of our MAAB member events with links to your website.
    2. I have the Server needed to host the websites email etc.
  4. Via these actions we can cross promote/market each other and support each other in our businesses and events. I will have an Ice Cream Trailer that you may want to be at your event and others may have similar things, things such as a table full of products.
  5. I will further see if we can connect this website to Rocky View, Alberta Tourism and others. Any suggestions please advise.
    1. I will reach out to the Madden Ad Society to see if we can link sites.
    2. Please let me know if there are more such sites we can link too.
  6. If you are interested perhaps, we can meet as a group once or twice a year.
  7. The initial cost to participate would be $ 275.00 plus GST to set everything up for Year 1 and then $ 100.00 per year afterwards and this will include a new map IF there are new members. if there are no changes. IF you want a new updated map it will be $ 100.00.
    1. If there are changes after the initial set up then a fee of $ 50.00/hour would be charged to make the changes needed. Simple and low cost.
The other purpose of this invite is to advise you that I am open to sell your products in the Store next season. I have a large Store and I am happy to sell your products and services. If you don’t want to participate in MAAB then perhaps, we can still exchange promotional materials, Business to Business, I am good with that also.

I look forward to meeting and talking to you all, to discuss further please contact me:

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